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For an I.C.U. without Delirium

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Delirium in I.C.U

Delirium (delirium in Anglo-Saxon literature) or acute confusional syndrome is a serious organic neuropsychiatric disorder. It is the most frequent manifestation of acute central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction, occurring in up to 80% of patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). But unlike other dysfunctions, it is not recognized by intensivists as a common multi-organ dysfunction. It is an underdiagnosed entity, undervalued and undertreated. Delirium is an independent predictor of mortality, prolonged length of hospital stay, long-term cognitive impairment and high health costs.


The practices of the ICU health team influence the incidence of delirium and its consequences, therefore, efforts should be made to understand what aspects of delirium are predictable, preventable, detectable and treatable.


Delirium reflects the disorganization of cognition, thus one or more of the previous domains are altered determining behavioral symptoms. 


Delirium diagnosis is based on the criteria defined by the American Psychiatric Association in the 5th version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V). The tools most commonly use for its detection in the critical patient with invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) are: the CAM-ICU (Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit) and the criteria for the detection of delirium in intensive care or IC- DSC (Intensive Care Delirium Screening Checklist) developed in English in the United States and Canada, respectively.

Current activites


The ICU stay is a traumatic and stressful event for both patients and their families.
They generally suffer a series of physical and psycho-emotional alterations that tend to last after discharge, which is known as Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS).

For an ICU without Delirium

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It is a multidisciplinary project that involves all the actors of the Unit; proposing to train the health team in procedural techniques for the early detection of this entity.

Post intensive care syndrome (PICS) evaluation

Notas enfermera que hace

Delirium in Covid


The prevalence of delirium is high in the intensive care unit (ICU) and occurs in up to 70% of the sickest patients requiring mechanical ventilation. The first studies in hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) report delirium rates of 20-30%, increasing to 60-70% in serious illnesses.

Delirium in Covid - May 2020


Our Team

Inicio: Equipo
Patricia Mesa - Medica Coordinadora CTI Hospital Pasteur

Patricia Mesa

Medical Coordinator ICU Pasteur Hospital

Emilia Orellano - Ex Medica Residente CTI Hospital Pasteur

Emilia Orellano

Resident Medical Former Doctor ICU Pasteur Hospital

Sonia Altez - Licenciada Enfermeria CTI Hospital Pasteur

Sonia Altez

Registered Nurse ICU Pasteur Hospital

Silvina Favretto - Medico Residente CTI Hospital Pasteur

Silvina Favretto

Resident Medical Former Doctor ICU Pasteur Hospital

Lourdes Pereira - Auxiliar Enfermeria CTI Hospital Pasteur

Lourdes Pereira

Nursing assistant ICU Pasteur Hospital

Ana Soca- Ex Directora CTI Hospital Pasteur

Ana Soca

Medical Former Director ICU Pasteur Hospital

Cinthya Lecor - Licenciada Enfermeria CTI Hospital Pasteur

Cinthya Lecor

Registered Nurse ICU Pasteur Hospital

Jose Da Luz - Auxiliar Enfermeria CTI Hospital Pasteur

Jose Da Luz

Nursing assistant ICU Pasteur Hospital

Angel Banchero - Medico residente CTI Hospital Pasteur

Angel Banchero

Resident Medical Former Doctor ICU Pasteur Hospital

Cecilia Leyes - Licenciada Enfermeria CTI Hospital Pasteur

Cecilia Leyes

Registered Nurse ICU Pasteur Hospital

Tina Cugliari - Licenciada Enfermeria

Tina Cugliari

Registered Nurse 

Claudia Peretti - Auxiliar Enfermeria

Claudia Peretti

Nursing Assistant

Julio Pontet - Director Medico CTI Hospital Pasteur

Julio Pontet

Medical Director ICU Pasteur Hospital

Laura Olivera - Residente Medicina Intensiva Hospital Pasteur

Laura Olivera

Nursing assistant ICU Pasteur Hospital

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